HomeRetailRetail bankingPlastic cardsPayment card with overdraft Auchan Deposits and current accounts Loans Loan repayment Plastic cards Money transfers Other financial services Special campaigns Payment card with overdraft Auchan Debit card with preapproved overdraft can be accepted in all Auchan stores. You have no need to calculate in advance the cost of your purchases . You always will have money to pay. You can afford yourself much more than before. Auchan Card is Credit limit up to 100 000 RUR Grace period up to 50 days Ability to pay the debt with minimum sum – 8% of the principal amount plus accrued interests and fees You can pay for their purchases with this card, not only in the Auchan, but also in other commercial and service enterprises around the world, receiving cards of international payment system Visa International. In addition, you can earn cash card loans (up to 25% of credit card limit). After received a card of Aushan, you can use it for 3 years and after the expiration of the card will automatically be reissued for a new term for free. In the case of mechanical damage to the card also reissued free of charge. How to get a Aushan card The procedure for card issue is very simple: you just need to fill out an application or apply for instant credit card at the booth, located in every hypermarket Auchan. A complete list of offices wh ere you can fill out an application for a Auchan card can be found here. For card issue you need the passport only. Provision of certificates proving your income is not required, but can contribute to a greater limit on the card. To know the debt and the amount of the minimum payment you can from be monthly statement, as well as 24/7 Call Center Customer Care (495) 9814814 (for calls from Moscow) and 8800700 9814 (for calls from the regions). Fill up the card account WITHOUT COMMISSION terminals in the network can be "JCB" located in the galleries of Auchan, using the menu "BA Finance" as well as with the commission, using the following methods. Who can get a Aushan card Russian citizen having a steady income to service the debt on the loan, the presence of at least 3 fixed-line phones (by place of residence, place of work and contact person) seniority at the same place - at least 4 months. Additional Services: obtain information about the available balance on the card at ATMs Credit Europe Bank access to the Internet bank change PIN at ATMs Credit Europe Bank sending monthly statements to the map by mail or e-mail, SMS-notification of all operations transacted with the card, voluntary insurance against accident or death, which protects you and your family in the event of an incapacity or death of the cardholder. Fees for issuing and servicing payment cards with preapproved overdraft Auchan Visa Classic the possibility of secure online payments due to the protocol 3D Secure.